Twitter tips for beginners

2 min de lectura

Slowly but surely twitter is becoming an essential tool as regards for business diffusion. Here a few tips for those who are just starting out.

1. Be Human

Personalize your tw account, write a brief description of your business and add a profile picture. Avoid automatic publications, most users don’t tend to like them.

2. Don’t be mono thematic

It is a mistake to always tweet about your business, people could lose interest. We advise you to be original, write useful tweets and retweet interesting comments.

3. Tweet frequently

Being constant with your account update and tweeting during the “rush-hour” is really important. There are apps that make this task easier, just like bufffer.

4. Following the right ones

It is advisable to follow your competitors and the users who talk about the kind of product you sell.

5. Know the lingo

Pay attention to the way people interact on Twitter, the way they express themselfs and how they participate on this social network. Knowing the language and the way they write is essential.

6. Answer always

Never stop interacting with the users who talk or refer to you, even if their messages are not the friendly kind.

7. Shorting URLs

Twitter has a 140 character limit so it is advisable to avoid long URLs. There are many web tolls that will allow you to get a shorten URL. An example of this is

In conclusion

These are, in our opinion, the most important Twitter tips. Feel free to comment your own!

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