SEO Day: what are the new trends?

5 min de lectura

The 8th edition of SEO Day took place on June 22 and left a lot of valuable information for all of us who are dedicated to digital marketing, in general, and SEO positioning, in particular. Therefore, from Broobe we will review the most relevant topics discussed this year.

How to improve a website’s SEO

Barry Schwartz, search expert and CEO of the digital marketing agency RustyBrick, opened the event and focused his talk on tools to improve the SEO positioning of a website (Google Analytics, Search Console, Adobe Analytics).

At the same time, he gave a lot of importance to the different communities of SEO experts and copywriters on Twitter. Es a través de estas comunidades que podremos encontrar información valiosa sobre tendencias nuevas o tecnologías que están por desembarcar. We must not forget that SEO technology, like all technologies, is collaborative and constantly evolving.

As a final thought, Schwartz proposes a formula that sounds infallible: when it comes to SEO writing, we must first study the topic, then test and, finally, write. El contenido de calidad, dice, es esencialmente el resultado de este proceso. In his own words: “we should not regurgitate what others have written.

MUM technology

This is, in our opinion, the most interesting topic presented at this edition of SEO Day. It’s about Google’s new MUM (Multitask Unified Model) technology. And what does MUM do? Esencialmente, es un algoritmo basado en inteligencia artificial que puede procesar mucha más información que su predecesor y devolver respuestas más concretas. We could say that its purpose is to provide simple answers to complex questions.

According to Google, this new technology is up to 1000 times more powerful than the current version. MUM puede procesar hasta 75 idiomas en simultáneo, pero no sólo eso: también puede procesar imágenes, podcasts y videos, dando respuestas mucho más específicas. This allows it to create much more detailed user profiles.

Google Search update

Who better to talk about Google Search updates than John Mueller. Mueller has been a Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google for 14 years and a true authority on the subject. In his talk he left us with some very interesting concepts:

  • Google Search Relations Team: connects external site operators with Google’s internal search teams. In other words, it is the link between users and the company. If you have any questions or doubts about how to optimize the company’s tools, this is where they will solve them for you.
  • Updating Big Query ML and Data Studio: although these two Google tools are already a few years old, Mueller tells us that the latest updates will take them to the next level. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, we’ll tell you briefly: Big Query ML allows you to create and run machine learning models while generating very useful analytics. Data Studio is a free tool that turns your data into informative, easy-to-read, easy-to-share and fully customizable dashboards and reports.
  • Keyword selection: still crucial when it comes to SEO. Although many factors are important for SEO today (the star, of course, being quality content), Mueller says that keywords are still the most important thing and he doesn’t see that changing in the near future.

Google: an engine of answers

Izzy Smith, SEO specialist and meme influencer (or as she calls herself: “your SEO nerd friend”), touched on the topic of search improvements. Pero no se detuvo a explicar cómo funcionan, sino que le dio un enfoque más interesante: la satisfacción de quien busca. That is, instead of focusing on those who develop the technology, he focused on those who consume it.

Why is that? Well, Izzy understands that an improvement in search engines translates into a satisfied customer, and a satisfied customer will always return to the place where they were happy. In this case, Google. And what does that mean?

It means that the company will have higher advertising revenues: a happy customer is the best marketing strategy. However, we want to stay with another idea proposed by Izzy that, in our opinion, is very novel. She proposes that we think of Google not as a search engine, but as an answer engine. If we couple this idea with Google MUM, it all seems to make sense.

Internal links y backlinks

You probably already know what backlinks or external links are all about. And if you don’t know, we’ll summarize it for you very briefly: basically, they are links that lead to a website. Something that is also important to know is that the quality of the backlink will depend on the reputation and credibility of the website to which it is leading us. The more relevant it is, the better we will be positioned.

In the same way, internal links (or internal links) are those hyperlinks that lead to a page or section within the same web page where they are located. A very useful tool to measure these internal links is Chei Rank.

Why are these concepts important to us? Well, while both have SEO value, backlinks are usually harder to get and are therefore considered more valuable. That is where we will have to focus our attention.

We have solutions

At BROOBE we are always at the forefront and constantly updated. We understand that the path of digital marketing is dizzying, but exciting in equal doses. So if you are looking for advice, contact us, we will be happy to help you!

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