The importance of social media in business

4 min de lectura

The importance of social media in business changes as people change the way they interact, consume and entertain themselves on a daily basis. Having a good positioning in the networks can be key for your brand to achieve many benefits.

According to a recent research, only in the last two years Instagram registered an increase of 230% of users on the platform and the numbers continue to rise steadily. Facebook currently has 2.9 billion users, YouTube 2.5 billion, Instagram with 2 billion and one of the phenomenon networks that has the highest growth in recent months is TikTok, with 1 billion active users, according to Statista.

What does this mean for your business?

The importance of social media in business is illustrated by the exponential amount of users on each social network. That’s why creating an online strategy is fundamental for your business. With the right strategy it is possible to reach more customers, have greater visibility for your business, strengthen ties with new and old customers and even increase your sales.

social media in business

Why should I have a social media presence?

Here are the key insights and you will learn the importance of social networks in business:

Virtual Showcase

Social networks have the power to fortify your brand, increase visibility, reach a greater number of people, express the vision and position of your business in the market. It also allows you to be present where your audience is and allows you to create a community with them.


Possibly this aspect stands out when we think about the importance of social networks in business. Having a presence in the networks is a way to strengthen relationships with our audience. It is a way to get to know our customers better, create a loyal community and understand consumer desires. In addition, it is possible to obtain data and metrics, make effective changes in the strategy of our company and make your users have more empathy with your brand.

The large U.S. pizza chain Domino’s is an excellent case of success in approaching consumers through social networks, through the “Domino’s Anyware” campaign that allowed its customers to order their pizzas directly through social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) with just a pizza emoji.

Attention to customers

Another very important point for brands is customer service. There are many brands that use Twitter as SAC and take advantage of it to strengthen the relationship with their customers and future customers. A case of success is Apple: it has managed to reduce the response time of its support channel from 17 hours to just minutes with the creation of the Twitter profile @ApplesSpport and today it is one of the references for online customer service.

Online sales

The coronavirus crisis has accelerated a trend that was already growing steadily: online sales. In 2022 alone there was an 87% increase in online purchases in Argentina according to CACE. This is represented in 422 million products sold, 11% more than in the previous year.

Taking your business to social networks is no longer a differential and has become an obligation. Therein lies the importance of social networks in business. With the large number of active users, taking your brand to the networks is to take your brand to where your customers and target audience are. Accompanying the changes in the way of consumption and marketing with a correct and well-executed strategy can bring countless benefits for your business: from approaching and connecting with new customers to achieving more sales.

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