10 Twitter tips for your success

3 min de lectura

Twitter is ranked as one of the most important social networks and is chosen not only for users but also by companies to spread their business and increase online image.

So we put together a list of the 10 most important Twitter tips.

Complete your profile

First, we have to complete the biography so users can have a quick approximation of who we are and what we do or offer. It is important that besides the profile picture and cover, we include the website URL , email address and a brief description of the company with our personal touch

Interact and publish content frequently

Have an active participation is one of the keys to give a good image and win followers in Twitter. Do not forget to take time to share content; tweet, retweet, mark tweets as favorites, engage, talk and interact, while remaining cautious.

Post attractive and useful content

In addition to publications related to the services or products we offer, it is also important to share content that relates to our service area. It is important to be original with the content we share and the way we share it. It is essential to produce interest in users, generate conversations and answer each comment in a personalized way.

Keep messages short and clear

This social network is characterized by allowing messages that do not exceed 140 characters . Don’t see this as a restriction, adapt the form and content of what you want to post to Twitter.

Organize followers

We can establish order in the accounts we follow; creating lists and organize them by theme. Another interesting option for maintaining order is to silence those users who we follow  but we prefer not to see their activity on the timeline .

Include links to the web and other social networks

Be including links that direct to our other social profiles and web we will be unifying and strengthening our communities, and generating traffic between them.

It is best not to use URLs that are very large. To shorten them we recommend tools such as Bitly, that transforms it in a few characters and also generates statistics about clicks.

Use Tags for keywords

The hashtags, also called labels or keywords, increase the visibility of the tweet and makes it easy for users to find information on certain topic. It is important to not use them excessively.

Keep informed

To tweet interesting content is important to stay informed. Understanding the changes occurring in technology and society allow us to be attentive to trends.

Analyze statistics

Analyze statistics is critical to understand our strengths and weaknesses. Why certain tweets generate more impact tan others, what times are the best to post.

This allows us to make modifications to improve and change the strategy if necessary.

Study your audience

Knowing the interests of our audience helps us to know what content we should share to keep them interested.


Twitter gives us an opportunity to keep the digital identity of a business and lets us interact and meet the interests of our followers. These are the tips that seemed more important to us, to raise awareness of the personality of a business and communicate with customers.

If you’re thinking about another tip, do not hesitate to tell us!

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