Marketing with Pinterest

2 min de lectura

As many of you may know, Pinterest allows you to organize and share images and videos. The most particular thing of this social network is the way the information is classified: you can arrange it on different boards.

When talking about Pinterest we should notice that there are two kinds of boards: the “traditional boards” and the “group boards”. The peculiarity of group boards is that you can invite other users to be  contributors and allow them to pin on that board.

Here, a few tips to take into account when using Pinterest:

  • Integrate your Pinterest account with your Facebook profile. Then look up all your friends.
  • Create traditional boards, where you will share all the items that are related to your business or product. These boards must be arranged at the top of your Pinterest page.
  • Also create group boards. All the pins of interest to your target audience will be organize on them. These type of boards are the ones that need to be updated more often.
  • To make pinning easier, we recommend you to get The Pin It bookmarklet. This way you can pin images directly from the web you found them.
  • Include keywords in the pin description so that your pictures and videos will appear as result of other user’s searches.
  • To get your fans involved in Pinterest we advise you to run competitions in which contestants must pin pictures of your products.
  • If needed you can tag people the same way as in Facebook: @+user name

In conclusion

We hope these tips will help you make the best use of Pinterest. But remember, as in other social network, the most important thing is to keep your account up to date.

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